Friday, June 27, 2008

Well, with more time comes more fun.

Well, let's start with Sunday since that was the day we took off for Hawaii and we'll figure everything else from there.

So after taking a shuttle to the airport and getting through security which blows, I can see why but they are just complete assholes. It would probably be a great job for me.

So while waiting for the plane we had a while to kill and besides Ahad's "I like Nuts!" comment it was mostly uneventful. We played "Big 2" to kill the time. Finally after boarding the plane we had a row of three to the left and Matt sat on the right in the aisle seat. The plane experience was kind of a pain in the ass. First off, Ahad kept spitting on me. Since I couldn't move I just had to kind of deal with it and yell at him. Watching The Office on the plane was nice but the movie "Fool's Gold" well that blew a big one.

Although on the plane since the food is not free besides like a little bag of pretzels we brought food on board. Well Jared brought this type of granola bar and I guess it was a mixed nut bar. Well Ahad struck again.

"Wow! That was like an explosion of nuts in my mouth!"

So I guess you can make your own joke there.

After the flight was over and the fun ended we landed in Honolulu. Aloha!

Got the taxi and headed to our hotel the Hilton Hawaiian Village. We had a little but of a snafu but in the end we got the room and headed down to the beach. The views are just amazing, and it helps when it's a 3 minute walk to the beach.

The next morning it was really our only day without a tour so we headed down to the beach. The application of sun screen became very important and so we did that first and then headed down to the beach. We took a couple of photos and here is one

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Now the next photo is Ahad's brilliant planning. Instead of asking the normal looking people to take a photo he grabs the person that looked like a hobo, I guess because of that we lost Jared in the photo.

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Blame Ahad. We did.

After that we did a couple of things like go eat and so forth but nothing really amazing. We did drink though!

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Ahad didn't drink he just took a photo op with Moose Head!

Moving on to Tuesday we had quite an early wake up as we decided to visit Pearl Harbor and the U.S.S. Missouri. I thought this would probably be one of the most interesting trips that we took this week. To see where 1177 U.S. Service Men lost their lives for their country was an amazing site.

For anyone that has seen the video it really is an amazing piece of American History. When the U.S.S. Arizona was bombed it just happened that a camera was positioned on the Arizona so I believe the footage I posted above was the actual footage of the Arizona's final moments. When it was hit the bomb actually went into the armory which became the perfect shot. Since 1941 the Arizona is still leaking Oil which creates a glow on the water. Here are a couple photos.

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More later.


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